From the Desk of Executive Director Dolores Swirin-Yao

Happy New Year!  This is my first blog post of 2025.  I hope that your year is off to a good start!

I was moved to attend the joyful celebration of life of our late wonderful board member, Helen Williams, at the Sheen Center for Arts and Culture in Manhattan, hosted by her daughter, Vanessa, and son, Chris

Many of us at WCC volunteer at welcome tables to help students get oriented as they begin the new semester.  I enjoyed my shift in front of the Art Gallery with Steven Garcia, a mechanical engineering student who is also a student worker in the Student Support Services department.  Steven is graduating in May and plans to continue his education at one of the SUNY four-year campuses. 

In early January, I attended a meeting in Albany of my colleagues from SUNY community colleges throughout the state.  I was delighted to introduce speaker David Belsky of our communications firm Good Rebellion, here with Nisha Atre, the Executive Director of the SUNY Impact Foundation

We have two upcoming Native Plant Center Events: