Our website address is:
The Westchester Community College Foundation respects the privacy of all visitors to our web site and does not provide any of our personal information to third parties without your permission, unless compelled by law or court order to do so, and does not sell any personal information to third parties for purposes of marketing, advertising, or promotion.
Please review the following Privacy Policy to understand what information is being collected and how it will be used.
Endorsements and Accuracy of Content
Westchester Community College Foundation provides access to distributed and local networked resources as a service to the campus community and the community at large. The availability of networked information via Westchester Community College Foundation’s information services does not constitute endorsement of the content or accuracy of that information by Westchester Community College Foundation. Sections linked to this site are maintained by independent groups and individuals. The views expressed in these home pages are those of the page authors; comments regarding those pages should be directed to them.
At the Westchester Community College Foundation, we are committed to protecting your privacy and making it easier for individuals and businesses to interact with the Foundation. We recognize that it is critical for individuals and businesses to be confident that their privacy is protected when they visit You can travel through most of without giving us any information about yourself. Sometimes we do need information to provide services that you request, and this commitment of privacy explains our online information practices.
Voluntary Communication
Westchester Community College Foundation does not collect any personal information about you unless you provide that information voluntarily by sending an e-mail or by completing Westchester Community College Foundation online forms.
This policy is consistent with the provisions of the following:
Information Collected When You E-mail or Complete a Transaction
During your visit to, you may send an e-mail to the Westchester Community College Foundation. Your e-mail address and the contents of your message will be collected. The information collected is not limited to text characters and may include audio, video, and graphic information formats included in the message Your e-mail address is not collected for commercial purposes and Westchester Community College Foundation is not authorized to sell or otherwise disclose your e-mail address for commercial purposes.
During your visit to you may communicate with us online. The information collected by Westchester Community College Foundation, including personal information volunteered by you in completing the communication, is used by Westchester Community College Foundation and may be disclosed by Westchester Community College Foundation for those purposes that may be reasonably ascertained from the nature and terms of the transaction in which the information was submitted.
Aggregate Information
We may take your personal information and make it non-personally identifiable, either by combining it with information about other individuals (aggregating your information with information about other individuals), or by removing characteristics (such as your name) that make the information personally identifiable to you (i.e., de-personalizing your information). This can include usage information and/or information that is not connected to personal information. Given the nature of this information, no restrictions apply under this Privacy Policy on our right to aggregate or de-personalize your personal information, and we may use and share in any way with third parties the resulting non-personally identifiable information.
Disclosure of Information Collected Through This Website
The collection of information through and the disclosure of that information are subject to the provisions of the Internet Security and Privacy Act. Westchester Community College Foundation will only collect personal information through or disclose personal information collected through if the user has consented to the collection or disclosure of such personal information. The voluntary disclosure of personal information to Westchester Community College by the user, constitutes consent to the collection and disclosure of the information by Westchester Community College for the purposes for which the user disclosed the information to Westchester Community College.
However, Westchester Community College may collect or disclose personal information without consent if the collection or disclosure is:
- necessary to perform the statutory duties of Westchester Community College Foundation, or necessary for Westchester Community College Foundation to operate a program authorized by law, or authorized by state or federal statute or regulation;
- made pursuant to a court order or by law;
- for the purpose of validating the identity of the user; or
- of information to be used solely for statistical purposes that is in a form that cannot be used to identify any particular person.
Further, the disclosure of information, including personal information, collected through, is subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information Law and the Personal Privacy Protection Law.
Unauthorized Access (hacking)
Westchester Community College Foundation may disclose personal information to federal or state law enforcement authorities to enforce its rights against unauthorized access or attempted unauthorized access to Westchester Community College’s information technology assets.
Retention of Information Collected Through This Web Site
The information collected through is retained by Westchester Community College Foundation in accordance with the records retention and disposition requirements of the New York State Arts & Cultural Affairs Law. In general, the Internet services logs of Westchester Community College Foundation, comprising electronic files or automated logs created to monitor access and use of Agency services provided through, are retained indefinitely. Information concerning these records retention and disposition schedules may be obtained through the Internet privacy policy contact listed in this policy.
Access to and Correction of Personal Information Collected
Any user may submit a request to Westchester Community College Foundation’s privacy compliance officer to determine whether personal information pertaining to that user has been collected through Any such request shall be made in writing and must be accompanied by reasonable proof of identity of the user. Reasonable proof of identity may include verification of a signature, inclusion of an identifier generally known only to the user, or similar appropriate identification. The address of the privacy compliance officer is:
Caroline M. Colón-López
Executive Administrator
Westchester Community College Foundation
75 Grasslands Road
Valhalla, NY 10595
Confidentiality and Integrity of Personal Information Collected
Westchester Community College Foundation is strongly committed to protecting personal information collected through against unauthorized access, use or disclosure.
Consequently, Westchester Community College Foundation limits employee access to personal information collected through to only those employees who need access to the information in the performance of their official duties. Employees who have access to this information follow appropriate procedures in connection with any disclosures of personal information.
In addition, Westchester Community College Foundation has implemented procedures to safeguard the integrity of its information technology assets, including, but not limited to, authentication, authorization, monitoring, auditing, and encryption. These security procedures have been integrated into the design, implementation, and day-to-day operations of as part of our continuing commitment to the security of electronic content as well as the electronic transmission of information.
The Westchester Community College Foundation web site has many links to other web sites. When you link to another site, you are no longer on the Westchester Community College Foundation web site and this privacy policy will not apply. When you link to another web site, you are subject to the privacy policy of that new site.
Neither Westchester Community College Foundation, nor any agency, officer, or employee of Westchester Community College Foundation warrants the accuracy, reliability or timeliness of any information published by this system, nor endorses any content, viewpoints, products, or services linked from this system, and shall not be held liable for any losses caused by reliance on the accuracy, reliability or timeliness of such information. Portions of such information may be incorrect or not current. Any person or entity that relies on any information obtained from this system does so at their own risk.
Westchester Community College Foundation reserves the right to revise and update this privacy policy at any time by posting such revised privacy policy on the Westchester Community College home page.